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Friday, 16 August 2013

Success -What everyone wants and how to get it

Success is living your life in a manner, which causes you to feel immeasurable pleasure with as little pain as possible and because of this those around you are able to feel more pleasure than pain as defined by Tony Robbins. Success is what everyone wants and to a great extent needs, and it is what drives people to wake up every morning. Whether you are carving stones, selling groceries, designing clothes, helping the poor or selling various products and services as a business person, your ultimate goal is to attain success at what you do.  Here are few pointers about success-What everyone wants and how to get it.

What is Success and How do You Get It?
The increasing interest in self-improvement programs and inspirational books produced by successful people can be associated with a growing need among people to attain success. This is better explained by Tobby Robbins who indicates that long ago, he grasped the fact that success leaves clues and individuals who are able to generate outstanding results and become successful do certain things to create these results. When the actions of these successful individuals are duplicated, people are able to reproduce the same or better quality of outcomes that they experienced.
·       Success does not only help accumulate material wealth but also, it helps enhance an individual’s sense of worth, self-confidence, self -esteem and self-efficacy.
·       Successful people exude a high degree of self-confidence and they are able to effectively and efficiently persevere through difficult times than people who have not yet achieved success. This does not mean less successful people are unable to achieve what they want; it only means that successful people are able to do so more effectively and efficiently.
·       Success defines who you are in the society and greatly influences where and how you live and who you interact with. This means attaining success is of utmost importance in determining who you are as a person.
You can attain success by simply
Bouncing Back;
Individuals who have been able to attain success and maintain it are those who are able to rise whenever they fall.
·       In fact, world renowned successful people are those who have bounced back from adversity.
·       Look at Donald Trump who against all odds bounced back after several years of financial ruin to become a global business magnate of recent times.
·       When Steve Jobs was ousted from Apple at the young age of thirty, he did not allow this to stop him from attaining success; he bounced back by establishing Pixar, a multibillion dollar brand. He died a billionaire and a legend by simply bouncing back.
·       To ensure you attain what you want, which is success, you must bounce back from adversity by looking at other options available that will help you attain what you want. Do not stop at anything. When you fall, stand up, brush of the dust and soldier on.

Improving The Self;
Majority of people are so caught up in the vicious cycle of running after success, they forget to take good care of the self.
·       Success is all about achieving more pleasure than pain and if you have all the money in the world but do not have a family to go back home to, loyal friends to share with, and good health and even time to enjoy the accumulated wealth, then you have not yet attained success.
·       Success is only attained when every aspect of your life is balanced. Do not only focus on generating wealth.
·       Consider other things that help improve the self, such as eating healthy, participating in religious activities, engaging in regular physical activities, reading, engaging in self-improvement programs, sleeping and participating in recreational activities. All these helps improve your overall health (physiologically, socially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually). When all the aspects of your life are taken care of, then you will attain what everyone wants, which is real success.

Remember that success is what everyone desires but it will require you to take the initiative be persistent and to attain it.

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